
Riru MomoHider源码分析

本文最后更新于 2023-07-16,文中内容可能已过时。


Riru - MomoHider (aka IsolatedMagiskHider)


配置项 说明
isolated 对每一个isolated processes卸载magisk相关的文件,但是无法控制卸载时机,可能会导致部分模块无法正常使用
setns 在isolated processes中能够更快隐藏Magisk
app_zygote_magic 让momo无法检测到MagiskHide是运行状态
initrc 隐藏修改init.rc的堆栈




// 配置了五个自定义方法
static auto module = RiruVersionedModuleInfo {
        .moduleApiVersion = RIRU_NEW_MODULE_API_VERSION,
        .moduleInfo = RiruModuleInfo {
                .supportHide = true,
                .version = RIRU_MODULE_VERSION_CODE,
                .versionName = RIRU_MODULE_VERSION_NAME,
                .onModuleLoaded = onModuleLoaded,
                .shouldSkipUid = nullptr,
                .forkAndSpecializePre = forkAndSpecializePre,
                .forkAndSpecializePost = forkAndSpecializePost,
                .forkSystemServerPre = nullptr,
                .forkSystemServerPost = nullptr,
                .specializeAppProcessPre = specializeAppProcessPre,
                .specializeAppProcessPost = specializeAppProcessPost

// 变量定义
// module目录
const char* module_dir_ = nullptr;
// 配置值,可以看到关于initrc的参数是没有设置了
constexpr const char* kSetNs = "setns";
constexpr const char* kMagicHandleAppZygote = "app_zygote_magic";
constexpr const char* kMagiskTmp = "magisk_tmp";
constexpr const char* kIsolated = "isolated";

const char* magisk_tmp_ = nullptr;
bool magic_handle_app_zygote_ = false;
bool hide_isolated_ = false;
bool in_child_ = false;
bool isolated_ = false;
bool app_zygote_ = false;
bool no_new_ns_ = false;

jstring* nice_name_ = nullptr;

bool use_nsholder_ = false;
char* nsholder_mnt_ns_ = nullptr;
pid_t nsholder_pid_ = -1;

pid_t (*orig_fork)() = nullptr;
int (*orig_unshare)(int) = nullptr;

int* riru_allow_unload = nullptr;


void onModuleLoaded() {
    // magisk加载模块时会分配给模块特定目录
    LOGI("Magisk module dir is %s", module_dir_);
    // 分配给magisk tmp的目录,路径是module_dir_/config/magisk_tmp
    magisk_tmp_ = ReadMagiskTmp();
    LOGI("Magisk temp path is %s", magisk_tmp_);
    // 读取配置文件,也就是看config目录下是否存在这些配置文件,存在则表明开启这些配置
    hide_isolated_ = Exists(kIsolated);
    magic_handle_app_zygote_ = Exists(kMagicHandleAppZygote);
    use_nsholder_ = Exists(kSetNs);

void RegisterHooks() {
    if (!hide_isolated_ && !magic_handle_app_zygote_) return;
    // 使用xhook
    bool failed = false;
    // 定义hook函数
failed = failed || RegisterHook(#NAME, reinterpret_cast<void*>(REPLACE), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&orig_##NAME))
    // hook fork函数
    HOOK(fork, ForkReplace);
    if (hide_isolated_) {
        // hook unshare函数
        HOOK(unshare, UnshareReplace);

#undef HOOK

    if (failed || xhook_refresh(0)) {
        LOGE("Failed to register hooks!");

bool RegisterHook(const char* name, void* replace, void** backup) {
    int ret = xhook_register(".*\\libandroid_runtime.so$", name, replace, backup);
    if (ret != 0) {
        LOGE("Failed to hook %s", name);
        return true;
    return false;

在加载该模块时,主要做的事情是读取用户自定义的配置文件,并通过xhook hook了fork函数和unshare函数,具体hook操作如下


pid_t ForkReplace() {
    int read_fd = -1, write_fd = -1;

    // 创建管道,用于后续进程通信
    if (app_zygote_ && magic_handle_app_zygote_) {
        int pipe_fd[2];
        if (pipe(pipe_fd) == -1) {
            LOGE("Failed to create pipe for new app zygote: %s", strerror(errno));
        } else {
            read_fd = pipe_fd[0];
            write_fd = pipe_fd[1];
    // 调用原始fork方法
    pid_t pid = orig_fork();
    // pid<0,fork失败,清理管道
    if (pid < 0) {
        // fork() failed, clean up
        if (read_fd != -1)
        if (write_fd != -1)
    } else if (pid == 0) {
        // 正常情况的两种情况,第一种事pid=0,也就是子进程中
        // child process
        // Do not hide here because the namespace not separated
        in_child_ = true;
        if (read_fd != -1 && write_fd != -1) {
            // 获取新pid
            pid_t new_pid = MagicHandleAppZygote();
            // 向管道中写入新pid值
            WriteIntAndClose(write_fd, new_pid);
    } else {
        // parent process
        if (read_fd != -1 && write_fd != -1) {
            // 读取子进程写入的pid值
            pid = ReadIntAndClose(read_fd);
            LOGI("Zygote received new substitute pid %d", pid);
    return pid;

pid_t MagicHandleAppZygote() {
    // 在子进程中进一步调用fork,返回子进程的子进程的pid
    LOGI("Magic handling app zygote");
    // App zygote, fork a new process to run it (after forking magiskhide detachs)
    // This makes some detection not working (but also can be easily detected)
    pid_t pid = orig_fork();
    if (pid > 0) {
        // parent
        LOGI("Child zygote forked substitute %d", pid);
    } else if (pid == 0) {
        pid = getpid();
    } else { // pid < 0
        LOGE("Failed to fork new process for app zygote");
    return pid;



int UnshareReplace(int flags) {
    // 子进程中操作的话为true,其余为false
    bool isolated_ns = (flags & CLONE_NEWNS) != 0 && in_child_ && (isolated_ || app_zygote_);
    bool cleaned = false;
    if (isolated_ns) {
        cleaned = MaybeSwitchMntNs();
        if (cleaned && no_new_ns_) {
            // We're in the "cleaned" ns, don't unshare new ns
            // isolated process and app zygote uses the same ns with zygote on pre-11
            // this can be detected by app
            // https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/frameworks/base/+/1554432
            // https://cs.android.com/android/_/android/platform/frameworks/base/+/e986bc4cad9b68e1cf4aedfb3b99381cc64d0497
            if (flags == CLONE_NEWNS) return 0;
            flags &= ~CLONE_NEWNS;
    int res = orig_unshare(flags);
    if (res == -1) return res;
    if (isolated_ns && !cleaned) { // If not in a cleaned ns, try hide directly again
    return res;

bool MaybeSwitchMntNs() {
    // 如果ns没初始化好,直接返回
    if (!nsholder_mnt_ns_) return false;
    int fd = open(nsholder_mnt_ns_, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd < 0) { // Maybe the nsholder died...
        LOGE("Can't open %s: %s", nsholder_mnt_ns_, strerror(errno));
        return false;
    // 存在初始化好的ns,就切换到初始化好的ns
    int ret = setns(fd, 0);
    int err = errno;
    if (ret != 0) {
        LOGE("Failed to switch ns: %s", strerror(err));
        return false;
    return true;

void HideMagisk() {


static void forkAndSpecializePre(
        JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint* _uid, jint* gid, jintArray* gids, jint* runtimeFlags,
        jobjectArray* rlimits, jint* mountExternal, jstring* seInfo, jstring* niceName,
        jintArray* fdsToClose, jintArray* fdsToIgnore, jboolean* is_child_zygote,
        jstring* instructionSet, jstring* appDataDir, jboolean* isTopApp,
        jobjectArray* pkgDataInfoList,
        jobjectArray* whitelistedDataInfoList, jboolean* bindMountAppDataDirs,
        jboolean* bindMountAppStorageDirs) {
    InitProcessState(*_uid, *is_child_zygote);
    nice_name_ = niceName;
    if (hide_isolated_) {
        no_new_ns_ = EnsureSeparatedNamespace(mountExternal, *bindMountAppDataDirs, *bindMountAppStorageDirs);

// Maybe change the mount external mode to make sure the new process will call unshare().
// Returns true if we don't need a new ns for this process
bool EnsureSeparatedNamespace(jint* mountMode, jboolean bindMountAppDataDirs, jboolean bindMountAppStorageDirs) {
    if (*mountMode == 0) {
        // 这里和riru-unsharem模块一样,更改mountMode,强行产生新的namespace
        bool no_need_newns = bindMountAppDataDirs == JNI_FALSE && bindMountAppStorageDirs == JNI_FALSE;
        LOGI("Changed mount mode from NONE to DEFAULT and %s", no_need_newns ? "skip unshare" : "keep unshare");
        *mountMode = 1;
        return no_need_newns;
    return false;

void MaybeInitNsHolder(JNIEnv* env) {
    if (!use_nsholder_) return;

    if (nsholder_mnt_ns_) {
        if (access(nsholder_mnt_ns_, F_OK) != 0) {
            // Maybe the nsholder died
            LOGW("access %s failed with error %s", nsholder_mnt_ns_, strerror(errno));
            if (nsholder_pid_ > 0) {
                kill(nsholder_pid_, SIGKILL);
        } else { // Still alive

    LOGI("Starting nsholder");
    int read_fd, write_fd;
        int pipe_fd[2];
        if (pipe(pipe_fd) == -1) {
            LOGE("Failed to create pipe for nsholder: %s", strerror(errno));
        } else {
            read_fd = pipe_fd[0];
            write_fd = pipe_fd[1];

    nsholder_pid_ = orig_fork();
    if (nsholder_pid_ < 0) { // failed, cleanup
        LOGE("fork nsholder failed: %s", strerror(errno));
        nsholder_mnt_ns_ = nullptr;
    } else if (nsholder_pid_ == 0) { // child
        if (orig_unshare(CLONE_NEWNS) == -1) {
            LOGE("nsholder: failed to clone new ns: %s", strerror(errno));
            WriteIntAndClose(write_fd, 1);
        LOGI("Hiding Magisk in nsholder %d...", getpid());
        LOGI("Unmounted magisk file system.");

        // Change process name
            jstring name = env->NewStringUTF(sizeof(void*) == 8 ? "nsholder64" : "nsholder32");
            SetProcessName(env, name);

        // We're in the "cleaned" ns, notify the zygote we're ready and stop us
        WriteIntAndClose(write_fd, 0);

        // All done, but we should keep alive, because we need to keep the namespace
        // If a fd references the namespace, the ns won't be destroyed
        // but we need to open a fd in zygote, and Google don't want we opened new fd across fork,
        // zygote will abort with error like "Not whitelisted (41): mnt:[4026533391]"
        // We can manually call the Zygote.nativeAllowAcrossFork(), but this can be detected by app;
        // or, we can use the "fdsToIgnore" argument, but for usap, forkApp() haven't the argument.
        // To keep it simple, just let fd not opened in zygote
        for (;;) {
            // Note: SIGSTOP can't stop us here when magisk hide is enabled
            // I think the magisk hiding catches our SIGSTOP and not handle it properly (didn't resend the signal)
            // raise(SIGSTOP);
            LOGW("nsholder wakes up unexpectedly, sleep again");
    } else { // parent, wait the nsholder enter a "clean" ns
        int status = ReadIntAndClose(read_fd);
        if (status == 0) {
            kill(nsholder_pid_, SIGSTOP); // make nsholder is stopped again
            char mnt[32];
            snprintf(mnt, sizeof(mnt), "/proc/%d/ns/mnt", nsholder_pid_);
            LOGI("The nsholder is cleaned and stopped, mnt_ns is %s", mnt);
            nsholder_mnt_ns_ = strdup(mnt);
        } else {
            LOGE("Unexpected status %d received from the nsholder", status);

            kill(nsholder_pid_, SIGKILL);
            nsholder_pid_ = -1;
            nsholder_mnt_ns_ = nullptr;
            use_nsholder_ = false;


static void forkAndSpecializePost(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint res) {
    if (res == 0 && app_zygote_ && magic_handle_app_zygote_ && nice_name_ && *nice_name_) {
        // forkAndSpecialize() changed the name of the current thread, not the process
        // For normal processes, the process name will be changed in ZygoteConnection.handleChildProc()
        // And use binder to communicate with system_server, which will create a binder thread pool.
        // This triggers MagiskHide to detach and unmount Magisk filesystems.
        // But for App Zygotes, after handleChildProc() there is no thread to start (VM daemon threads had started before)
        // So MagiskHide won't detach and won't unmount Magisk.
        // In this case, we manually set process name, and the start of VM daemon threads will trigger MagiskHide.
        // We only check this because app zygote won't be started with USAP.
        SetProcessName(env, *nice_name_);
#if 0
        // Just in case some ROMs have broken art implementation that won't start daemon threads...
        pthread_t th;
        int r = pthread_create(&th, nullptr, DoNothing, nullptr);
        if (r == 0)
            r = pthread_join(th, nullptr);
        if (r)
            LOGE("Failed to create/join thread for app zygote");
    if (res == 0) {


static void specializeAppProcessPre(
        JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint *uid, jint *gid, jintArray *gids, jint *runtimeFlags,
        jobjectArray *rlimits, jint *mountExternal, jstring *seInfo, jstring *niceName,
        jboolean *startChildZygote, jstring *instructionSet, jstring *appDataDir,
        jboolean *isTopApp, jobjectArray *pkgDataInfoList, jobjectArray *whitelistedDataInfoList,
        jboolean *bindMountAppDataDirs, jboolean *bindMountAppStorageDirs) {
    InitProcessState(*uid, *startChildZygote);
    if (hide_isolated_)
        no_new_ns_ = EnsureSeparatedNamespace(mountExternal, *bindMountAppDataDirs, *bindMountAppStorageDirs);


static void specializeAppProcessPost(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) {
