Riru Unshare源码分析
本文最后更新于 2023-07-04,文中内容可能已过时。
在之前的Magisk检测方式的文章中,提到过isolated process的概念,MagiskHide无法处理这种进程,因为它和zygote共同使用同一个namespace,如果对这类进程进行unmount的话,会导致所有app都无法正正常访问到su,对于这种情况,可以使用riru-unshare模块来处理使指定的独立进程不与zygote共享namespace
RiruVersionedModuleInfo *init(Riru *riru) {
auto core_max_api_version = riru->riruApiVersion;
riru_api_version = core_max_api_version <= RIRU_MODULE_API_VERSION ? core_max_api_version : RIRU_MODULE_API_VERSION;
module.moduleApiVersion = riru_api_version;
riru_magisk_module_path = strdup(riru->magiskModulePath);
if (riru_api_version >= 25) {
riru_allow_unload = riru->allowUnload;
return &module;
RiruVersionedModuleInfo *init(Riru *riru) {
static int step = 0;
step += 1;
switch (step) {
case 1: {
auto core_max_api_version = riru->riruApiVersion;
riru_api_version = core_max_api_version <= RIRU_MODULE_API_VERSION ? core_max_api_version : RIRU_MODULE_API_VERSION;
if (riru_api_version < 25) {
module.moduleInfo.unused = (void *) shouldSkipUid;
} else {
riru_allow_unload = riru->allowUnload;
if (riru_api_version >= 24) {
module.moduleApiVersion = riru_api_version;
riru_magisk_module_path = strdup(riru->magiskModulePath);
return &module;
} else {
return (RiruVersionedModuleInfo *) &riru_api_version;
case 2: {
return (RiruVersionedModuleInfo *) &module.moduleInfo;
case 3:
default: {
return nullptr;
static auto module = RiruVersionedModuleInfo{
.moduleApiVersion = RIRU_MODULE_API_VERSION,
.moduleInfo= RiruModuleInfo{
.supportHide = true,
.onModuleLoaded = nullptr,
.forkAndSpecializePre = forkAndSpecializePre,
.forkAndSpecializePost = forkAndSpecializePost,
.forkSystemServerPre = nullptr,
.forkSystemServerPost = nullptr,
.specializeAppProcessPre = specializeAppProcessPre,
.specializeAppProcessPost = specializeAppProcessPost
在zygote fork产生新进程前后做处理
1 forkAndSpecializePre
static void forkAndSpecializePre(
JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint *uid, jint *gid, jintArray *gids, jint *runtimeFlags,
jobjectArray *rlimits, jint *mountExternal, jstring *seInfo, jstring *niceName,
jintArray *fdsToClose, jintArray *fdsToIgnore, jboolean *is_child_zygote,
jstring *instructionSet, jstring *appDataDir, jboolean *isTopApp, jobjectArray *pkgDataInfoList,
jobjectArray *whitelistedDataInfoList, jboolean *bindMountAppDataDirs, jboolean *bindMountAppStorageDirs) {
doUnshare(env, uid, mountExternal, niceName, *is_child_zygote);
static void doUnshare(JNIEnv *env, jint *uid, jint *mountExternal, jstring *niceName, bool is_child_zygote) {
if (shouldSkipUid(*uid)) return;
// 改变mount状态
if (*mountExternal == 0) {
*mountExternal = 1;
ScopedUtfChars name(env, *niceName);
is_app_zygote = is_child_zygote && is_app(*uid);
nice_name_ = niceName;
LOGI("unshare uid=%d name=%s app_zygote=%s", *uid, name.c_str(), is_app_zygote?"true":"false");
static int shouldSkipUid(int uid) {
int appid = uid % AID_USER_OFFSET;
if (appid >= AID_APP_START && appid <= AID_APP_END) return false;
if (appid >= AID_ISOLATED_START && appid <= AID_ISOLATED_END) return false;
return true;
static bool is_app(int uid) {
return uid%100000 >= 10000 && uid%100000 <= 19999;
private Process.ProcessStartResult startViaZygote(@NonNull final String processClass,
@Nullable final String niceName,
final int uid, final int gid,
@Nullable final int[] gids,
int runtimeFlags, int mountExternal,
int targetSdkVersion,
@Nullable String seInfo,
@NonNull String abi,
@Nullable String instructionSet,
@Nullable String appDataDir,
@Nullable String invokeWith,
boolean startChildZygote,
@Nullable String packageName,
int zygotePolicyFlags,
boolean isTopApp,
@Nullable long[] disabledCompatChanges,
@Nullable Map<String, Pair<String, Long>>
@Nullable Map<String, Pair<String, Long>>
boolean bindMountAppsData,
boolean bindMountAppStorageDirs,
@Nullable String[] extraArgs)
throws ZygoteStartFailedEx {
ArrayList<String> argsForZygote = new ArrayList<>();
// --runtime-args, --setuid=, --setgid=,
// and --setgroups= must go first
argsForZygote.add("--setuid=" + uid);
argsForZygote.add("--setgid=" + gid);
argsForZygote.add("--runtime-flags=" + runtimeFlags);
if (mountExternal == Zygote.MOUNT_EXTERNAL_DEFAULT) {
} else if (mountExternal == Zygote.MOUNT_EXTERNAL_INSTALLER) {
} else if (mountExternal == Zygote.MOUNT_EXTERNAL_PASS_THROUGH) {
} else if (mountExternal == Zygote.MOUNT_EXTERNAL_ANDROID_WRITABLE) {
static void com_android_internal_os_Zygote_nativeSpecializeAppProcess(
JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint uid, jint gid, jintArray gids, jint runtime_flags,
jobjectArray rlimits, jint mount_external, jstring se_info, jstring nice_name,
jboolean is_child_zygote, jstring instruction_set, jstring app_data_dir,
jboolean is_top_app, jobjectArray pkg_data_info_list,
jobjectArray allowlisted_data_info_list, jboolean mount_data_dirs,
jboolean mount_storage_dirs) {
jlong capabilities = CalculateCapabilities(env, uid, gid, gids, is_child_zygote);
SpecializeCommon(env, uid, gid, gids, runtime_flags, rlimits, capabilities, capabilities,
mount_external, se_info, nice_name, false, is_child_zygote == JNI_TRUE,
instruction_set, app_data_dir, is_top_app == JNI_TRUE, pkg_data_info_list,
allowlisted_data_info_list, mount_data_dirs == JNI_TRUE,
mount_storage_dirs == JNI_TRUE);
static void SpecializeCommon(JNIEnv* env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, jintArray gids, jint runtime_flags,
jobjectArray rlimits, jlong permitted_capabilities,
jlong effective_capabilities, jint mount_external,
jstring managed_se_info, jstring managed_nice_name,
bool is_system_server, bool is_child_zygote,
jstring managed_instruction_set, jstring managed_app_data_dir,
bool is_top_app, jobjectArray pkg_data_info_list,
jobjectArray allowlisted_data_info_list, bool mount_data_dirs,
bool mount_storage_dirs) {
const char* process_name = is_system_server ? "system_server" : "zygote";
auto fail_fn = std::bind(ZygoteFailure, env, process_name, managed_nice_name, _1);
auto extract_fn = std::bind(ExtractJString, env, process_name, managed_nice_name, _1);
auto se_info = extract_fn(managed_se_info);
auto nice_name = extract_fn(managed_nice_name);
auto instruction_set = extract_fn(managed_instruction_set);
auto app_data_dir = extract_fn(managed_app_data_dir);
// Keep capabilities across UID change, unless we're staying root.
if (uid != 0) {
SetInheritable(permitted_capabilities, fail_fn);
bool need_pre_initialize_native_bridge = !is_system_server && instruction_set.has_value() &&
android::NativeBridgeAvailable() &&
// Native bridge may be already initialized if this
// is an app forked from app-zygote.
!android::NativeBridgeInitialized() &&
MountEmulatedStorage(uid, mount_external, need_pre_initialize_native_bridge, fail_fn);
// Create a private mount namespace and bind mount appropriate emulated
// storage for the given user.
static void MountEmulatedStorage(uid_t uid, jint mount_mode,
bool force_mount_namespace,
fail_fn_t fail_fn) {
// See storage config details at http://source.android.com/tech/storage/
if (mount_mode < 0 || mount_mode >= MOUNT_EXTERNAL_COUNT) {
fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("Unknown mount_mode: %d", mount_mode));
if (mount_mode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_NONE && !force_mount_namespace) {
// Valid default of no storage visible
// Create a second private mount namespace for our process
// Handle force_mount_namespace with MOUNT_EXTERNAL_NONE.
if (mount_mode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_NONE) {
const userid_t user_id = multiuser_get_user_id(uid);
const std::string user_source = StringPrintf("/mnt/user/%d", user_id);
// Shell is neither AID_ROOT nor AID_EVERYBODY. Since it equally needs 'execute' access to
// /mnt/user/0 to 'adb shell ls /sdcard' for instance, we set the uid bit of /mnt/user/0 to
// AID_SHELL. This gives shell access along with apps running as group everybody (user 0 apps)
// These bits should be consistent with what is set in vold in
// Utils#MountUserFuse on FUSE volume mount
PrepareDir(user_source, 0710, user_id ? AID_ROOT : AID_SHELL,
multiuser_get_uid(user_id, AID_EVERYBODY), fail_fn);
bool isAppDataIsolationEnabled = GetBoolProperty(kVoldAppDataIsolation, false);
if (mount_mode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_PASS_THROUGH) {
const std::string pass_through_source = StringPrintf("/mnt/pass_through/%d", user_id);
PrepareDir(pass_through_source, 0710, AID_ROOT, AID_MEDIA_RW, fail_fn);
BindMount(pass_through_source, "/storage", fail_fn);
} else if (mount_mode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_INSTALLER) {
const std::string installer_source = StringPrintf("/mnt/installer/%d", user_id);
BindMount(installer_source, "/storage", fail_fn);
} else if (isAppDataIsolationEnabled && mount_mode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_ANDROID_WRITABLE) {
const std::string writable_source = StringPrintf("/mnt/androidwritable/%d", user_id);
BindMount(writable_source, "/storage", fail_fn);
} else {
BindMount(user_source, "/storage", fail_fn);
2 forkAndSpecializePost
static void forkAndSpecializePost(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint res) {
if (res == 0) {
if (is_app_zygote && nice_name_)
SetProcessName(env, *nice_name_);
void SetProcessName(JNIEnv* env, jstring name) {
jclass Process = env->FindClass("android/os/Process");
jmethodID setArgV0 = env->GetStaticMethodID(Process, "setArgV0", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
LOGW("Process.setArgV0(String) not found");
} else {
env->CallStaticVoidMethod(Process, setArgV0, name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
LOGW("Process.setArgV0(String) threw exception");
static void clear_state(){
nice_name_ = nullptr;
is_app_zygote = false;
3 specializeAppProcessPre
static void specializeAppProcessPre(
JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint *uid, jint *gid, jintArray *gids, jint *runtimeFlags,
jobjectArray *rlimits, jint *mountExternal, jstring *seInfo, jstring *niceName,
jboolean *startChildZygote, jstring *instructionSet, jstring *appDataDir,
jboolean *isTopApp, jobjectArray *pkgDataInfoList, jobjectArray *whitelistedDataInfoList,
jboolean *bindMountAppDataDirs, jboolean *bindMountAppStorageDirs) {
doUnshare(env, uid, mountExternal, niceName, false);
4 specializeAppProcessPost
static void specializeAppProcessPost(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) {