void load_modules() {
if (zygisk_enabled) {
string native_bridge_orig = get_prop(NBPROP);
if (native_bridge_orig.empty()) {
native_bridge_orig = "0";
native_bridge = native_bridge_orig != "0" ? ZYGISKLDR + native_bridge_orig : ZYGISKLDR;
set_prop(NBPROP, native_bridge.data());
// Weather Huawei's Maple compiler is enabled.
// If so, system server will be created by a special Zygote which ignores the native bridge
// and make system server out of our control. Avoid it by disabling.
if (get_prop("ro.maple.enable") == "1") {
set_prop("ro.maple.enable", "0");
#define NBPROP "ro.dalvik.vm.native.bridge"
- 调用LoadNativeBridge函数
- dlopen native_bridge对应的so动态库
- dlsym kNativeBridgeInterfaceSymbol获取callbacks,kNativeBridgeInterfaceSymbol的值是NativeBridgeItf
- 调用isCompatibleWith处理
// src/core/zygisk/entry.cpp
extern "C" [[maybe_unused]] NativeBridgeCallbacks NativeBridgeItf{
.version = 2,
.padding = {},
.isCompatibleWith = &is_compatible_with,
static bool is_compatible_with(uint32_t) {
ZLOGD("load success\n");
return false;
- hook_functions根据之前版本的的Zygisk实现来看,应该就是JNI hook的地方
- 既然是JNI hook,那么表明Zygisk并没有像riru那样存在中转的riruloader.so,相当于直接调用了riru.so
// src/core/zygisk/hook.cpp
void hook_functions() {
void HookContext::hook_plt() {
ino_t android_runtime_inode = 0;
dev_t android_runtime_dev = 0;
ino_t native_bridge_inode = 0;
dev_t native_bridge_dev = 0;
for (auto &map : lsplt::MapInfo::Scan()) {
if (map.path.ends_with("/libandroid_runtime.so")) {
android_runtime_inode = map.inode;
android_runtime_dev = map.dev;
} else if (map.path.ends_with("/libnativebridge.so")) {
native_bridge_inode = map.inode;
native_bridge_dev = map.dev;
PLT_HOOK_REGISTER(native_bridge_dev, native_bridge_inode, dlclose);
PLT_HOOK_REGISTER(android_runtime_dev, android_runtime_inode, fork);
PLT_HOOK_REGISTER(android_runtime_dev, android_runtime_inode, unshare);
PLT_HOOK_REGISTER(android_runtime_dev, android_runtime_inode, androidSetCreateThreadFunc);
PLT_HOOK_REGISTER(android_runtime_dev, android_runtime_inode, selinux_android_setcontext);
PLT_HOOK_REGISTER_SYM(android_runtime_dev, android_runtime_inode, "__android_log_close", android_log_close);
if (!lsplt::CommitHook())
ZLOGE("plt_hook failed\n");
// Remove unhooked methods
std::remove_if(plt_backup.begin(), plt_backup.end(),
[](auto &t) { return *std::get<3>(t) == nullptr;}),
- fork机制和之前是相同的,提前fork
- unshare对于新的namespace划分时unmount掉其中的Magisk特征
- androidSetCreateThreadFunc
DCL_HOOK_FUNC(static void, androidSetCreateThreadFunc, void *func) { ZLOGD("androidSetCreateThreadFunc\n"); g_hook->hook_jni_env(); old_androidSetCreateThreadFunc(func); } void HookContext::hook_jni_env() { using method_sig = jint(*)(JavaVM **, jsize, jsize *); auto get_created_vms = reinterpret_cast<method_sig>( dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs")); if (!get_created_vms) { for (auto &map: lsplt::MapInfo::Scan()) { if (!map.path.ends_with("/libnativehelper.so")) continue; void *h = dlopen(map.path.data(), RTLD_LAZY); if (!h) { ZLOGW("Cannot dlopen libnativehelper.so: %s\n", dlerror()); break; } get_created_vms = reinterpret_cast<method_sig>(dlsym(h, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs")); dlclose(h); break; } if (!get_created_vms) { ZLOGW("JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs not found\n"); return; } } JavaVM *vm = nullptr; jsize num = 0; jint res = get_created_vms(&vm, 1, &num); if (res != JNI_OK || vm == nullptr) { ZLOGW("JavaVM not found\n"); return; } JNIEnv *env = nullptr; res = vm->GetEnv(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&env), JNI_VERSION_1_6); if (res != JNI_OK || env == nullptr) { ZLOGW("JNIEnv not found\n"); return; } // Replace the function table in JNIEnv to hook RegisterNatives memcpy(&new_env, env->functions, sizeof(*env->functions)); new_env.RegisterNatives = &env_RegisterNatives; old_env = env->functions; env->functions = &new_env; } static jint env_RegisterNatives( JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const JNINativeMethod *methods, jint numMethods) { auto className = get_class_name(env, clazz); if (className == "com/android/internal/os/Zygote") { // Restore JNIEnv as we no longer need to replace anything env->functions = g_hook->old_env; vector<JNINativeMethod> newMethods(methods, methods + numMethods); vector<JNINativeMethod> &backup = g_hook->jni_backup[className]; HOOK_JNI(nativeForkAndSpecialize); HOOK_JNI(nativeSpecializeAppProcess); HOOK_JNI(nativeForkSystemServer); return g_hook->old_env->RegisterNatives(env, clazz, newMethods.data(), numMethods); } else { return g_hook->old_env->RegisterNatives(env, clazz, methods, numMethods); } }
## Pre-Init
`magiskinit` will replace `init` as the first program to run.
- Early mount required partitions. On legacy system-as-root devices, we switch root to system; on 2SI devices, we patch the original `init` to redirect the 2nd stage init file to magiskinit and execute it to mount partitions for us.
- Inject magisk services into `init.rc`
- On devices using monolithic policy, load sepolicy from `/sepolicy`; otherwise we hijack nodes in selinuxfs with FIFO, set `LD_PRELOAD` to hook `security_load_policy` and assist hijacking on 2SI devices, and start a daemon to wait until init tries to load sepolicy.
- Patch sepolicy rules. If we are using "hijack" method, load patched sepolicy into kernel, unblock init and exit daemon
- Execute the original `init` to continue the boot process
使用LD_PRELOAD hook security_load_policy
// src/init/selinux.cpp
if (access("/system/bin/init", F_OK) == 0) {
// On 2SI devices, the 2nd stage init file is always a dynamic executable.
// This meant that instead of going through convoluted methods trying to alter
// and block init's control flow, we can just LD_PRELOAD and replace the
// security_load_policy function with our own implementation.
setenv("LD_PRELOAD", "/dev/preload.so", 1);
// src/init/preload.c
static void preload_init() {
// Make sure our next exec won't get bugged
int security_load_policy(void *data, size_t len) {
int (*load_policy)(void *, size_t) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "security_load_policy");
// Skip checking errors, because if we cannot find the symbol, there
// isn't much we can do other than crashing anyways.
int result = load_policy(data, len);
// Wait for ack
int fd = open("/sys/fs/selinux/enforce", O_RDONLY);
char c;
read(fd, &c, 1);
return result;
但是在其他的设备上,Magisk使用FIFO(命名管道)劫持selinuxfs中的节点,以实现selinux hook。具体来说,Magisk会创建一个FIFO文件,并挂载到selinuxfs中的"load"和"enforce"节点上,用于接收selinux策略和enforce值。这样一来,即使系统中没有/sepolicy文件,Magisk也可以通过劫持selinuxfs中的节点,来实现selinux hook
在2SI设备上,由于第二阶段的init文件是一个动态可执行文件,而不是静态的/init可执行文件,因此Magisk还需要协助劫持selinuxfs。具体来说,Magisk会在init进程启动之前,通过LD_PRELOAD的方式,将自己的preload.so库注入到init进程中,并替换security_load_policy函数为自己的实现,以实现selinux hook。后面Magisk启动守护程序,等待init进程尝试加载selinux策略文件。当init进程启动时,Magisk的钩子函数会拦截security_load_policy的调用,并将selinux策略文件和enforce值写入FIFO文件中,以实现自定义的selinux策略